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Roe vs Wade is reversed 
& Abortion is illegal in Alabama
Now what?

Image Clear Ultrasound bus that offers free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds

Image Clear Ultrasound is a state licensed, mobile, medical clinic offering free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds
& resources to Birmingham women. 

Image Clear Ultrasound mobile bus that offers free ultrasounds & pregnancy tests


First Come, First Served

Abortion is a major decision. 
It is important to know about abortion risks and procedures. 
Although abortion is illegal in Alabama, women are asking is the abortion pill safe?
At Image Clear Ultrasound,

we encourage you to learn
about all of your options.
Although we don’t perform or refer for abortions, we will help you understand what you can expect from the abortion procedure or from taking the abortion pill.
Gather your questions and  meet with us before making your decision. 

Having answers to these questions will help you determine what you should do.

Am I really pregnant? 

How far along am I? 

What are the different abortion procedures and risks?

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